Headache and Migraine Clinic


Headache and migraine are particularly debilitating conditions that can be widely misunderstood and often misdiagnosed. Recent research has identified the neck as the primary source of this type of pain in over 90% of presentations.

Nerve structures located in the brainstem adjacent to the upper neck have been shown to be highly sensitized by misalignment of the top three vertebrae,having a direct impact on the presence and severity of headache regardless of the trigger or root cause. Once identified, this misalignment can be rectified with some very simple but highly effective manual techniques resulting in the relief of headache and migraine. No forced manipulation is required. Sessions for this type of treatment are conducted over 1 hour and include an information session explaining the mechanism behind neck related headaches.

Dry Needling


Dry needling or Western Acupuncture for physios is a central part of our treatment regime. The pain controlling properties of the technique are well documented and both trigger point and myofascial needling are utilized to settle the pain response and release muscle tension before correct movement patterns can be restored through corrective exercise.



Soft tissue release is used in conjunction with Dry Needling to again settle the body’s response to pain and tension before restoration of movement. Being a strictly ‘hands on’ clinic, we know the therapeutic value of manual techniques and how well clients respond to specific and graded soft tissue release work.

Movement Control


In the last 10 years we have seen a growing movement of therapy focussed on restoring correct movement patterns as a way to treat and prevent pain and injury. Teaching postural control, bending and twisting movements, shoulder positioning or correct foot placement during running are all movement patterns that can be improved or re-educated through movement control therapy sessions. Our aim is to educate every client on how to improve the way they move and gain a greater awareness of how the body functions.

Condition treated - Back and neck Pain


Spinal pain makes up70% of the conditions treated in any physio clinic. Approaches to this type of condition are many and varied but the spine can never be treated on its own. Low back pain is always accompanied by poor hip control or foot positioning. Neck pain and headaches can be attributed to shoulder weakness or jaw dysfunction. Our approach is to first settle the pain response with dry needling, massage and manipulation as required before addressing the weakness or poor movement pattern contributing to the problem.

Sports Injuries


As an avid sportsperson, these are the conditions I love to treat. Injury management begins with facilitation of the recovery process with correct taping or bracing as required before examining the movement patterns and re-educating. Improving scapula control for swimming and paddling, activating the deep hip musculature for knee control in running or aligning foot positioning to treat ankle sprains are how sports injuries are best managed. Advice on cross training to prevent over-use injuries is important especially for those of us on the wrong side of 40 as longevity in your chosen sport is paramount.

Chronic pain


Every physio wants to work with elite athletes at the Olympics or with professional sports team show ever the greatest challenge to any therapist is the management of chronic pain. There are no magic cures however the key to offering effective relief is what is called treatment grading which is knowing exactly how much intervention is required to create a beneficial change in the body. At times doing nothing at all is best and in other cases, aggressive intervention may be needed to break up a repetitive pain cycle and this only comes with accurate assessment and a good dose of experience. Understanding that the condition is inextricably linked to our emotional state dictates that the condition must be treated holistically, with diet and lifestyle changes.

The Computer Neck


Fast becoming one of our worst occupational health hazards, neck pain and headaches from working on a computer need a specific treatment approach.Carrying pain and muscle tension into a working day can be extremely debilitating and affect concentration, certainly a consideration for younger adults in their final years of high school. Postural exercise and good manual therapy and positional awareness training is the key. Workers in this field must accept the importance participating in regular corrective exercise if they are to prevent early degenerative changes in the neck and upper thoracic spine.